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Kwikstage Ledger 1.2 Mtr

$ 4.95 $ 6.00

The Kwikstage Ledger 1.2m  fits into the upper “V” pressings on the ledger scaffold standards.

As a result, the Kwikstage Ledger 1.2m acts as a horizontal brace keeping the scaffold standards at a fixed distance.

Installation is always horizontal along the length of the scaffold and at 90 degrees to the transom.

When building scaffolding, ledgers are generally installed every 2m vertically. And in addition at 0.5m and 1.0m above the platform to act as a safety barrier.FINISH PAINTED


AS/NZS 1576

WEIGHT 5.4 kg
DIMENSIONS 127 × 5 × 5 cm

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